The Morocco Tour

with the Royal Morocco Symphonyorchestra directed by Jean-Charles Biondi

Rabat - Casablanca - Marakesch

January 2005

Franz in front of the banner in the Jury at Hongkong

Franz, one of the star performers at

5th Asia-Pacific Harmonicafestival in Honkong

August 2004

Bilder vom Asiatisch-Pazifischen Mundharmonikafestival

Franz Chmel in Erewan

Concerts in Erewan/Armenia

3.-5. May 2004

Poster announcing the event in Erewan

Franz going to 60

26.February 2004

10.December 2003

Franz playing for  Dr. Heinz Fischer, the future president of Austria

Premiere in Lassing

14. August 2003

Franz Chmel at the Premiere in Lassing Steiermark, playing

Conzerto for Harmonica und Symphonic Orchestra Nr 1

from Jurij A. Geworkian

Dedicated to Franz

Franz Chmel plays for
Austrian president in St. Pölten

16. Mai 2003

Franz Chmel gets Jakob Prandtauer award of the
capital of Niederösterreich area St. Pölten

27. Februar 2003

Most acknowledged award of the capital of Niederöstereich/Ausrtia is also a great victory for the Classic Harmonica

......I am very proud, not so much on my own performance, but that I could achieve this with the harmonica..
Franz Chmel's reaction on the news

Franz Chmel working
with the Vienna Virtuosos

For the first time in history of the Word-famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra a Harmonica Virtuoso as a soloist.

Februar 2003